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        市委外辦主任曹賽先與美國西雅圖市議員胡清雅會(huì )面

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          2024年5月24日,市委外辦主任曹賽先與訪(fǎng)深的西雅圖市議員胡清雅(Tanya Woo)一行會(huì )面。

          On May 24, 2024, Cao Saixian, Director General of Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office, met with Tanya Woo, Seattle City Council Member.


          曹賽先主任對胡清雅市議員一行訪(fǎng)深表示歡迎,回顧了深圳與西雅圖的友好交往歷史,介紹了深圳經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展最新情況以及引領(lǐng)深圳實(shí)現跨越式發(fā)展的理念與制度創(chuàng )新。她表示,深圳是一座開(kāi)放、綠色、年輕、活力的城市,深圳與西雅圖有著(zhù)廣闊的合作空間,希望能與胡清雅市議員一道,共同推動(dòng)雙方在相關(guān)領(lǐng)域的交流與合作,幫助兩市友好交流關(guān)系不斷深化。

          Cao Saixian expressed her welcome to Tanya Woo, reviewed the friendly exchanges between Shenzhen and Seattle, introduced the latest economic and social development and the innovation of conceptions and institutions that have led Shenzhen’s leapfrog development. She said that Shenzhen is an open, green, young and vibrant city, and it has a broad space for cooperation with Seattle. She hoped to work together with Council Member Tanya Woo to promote exchanges and cooperation in related areas, and to enhance the friendship between the two cities.


          胡清雅市議員感謝曹主任的熱情接待。她表示,深圳是一座充滿(mǎn)活力和創(chuàng )新的年輕城市,擁有獨特的魅力和優(yōu)勢。她高度贊賞深圳的經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展成就,并希望與深圳加強在綠色低碳、經(jīng)貿、人員往來(lái)等領(lǐng)域的交流合作,為兩地人民創(chuàng )造更多福祉。

          Council Member Tanya Woo thanked Director General Cao Saixian for her warm reception. She said that Shenzhen is a young city full of vigor and innovation, with unique charms and advantages. She highly appreciated Shenzhen's achievements in economic and social development and hoped that Shenzhen and Seattle could strengthen cooperation in the fields of green, low-carbon growth, trade and people-to people exchanges and so on, to create more benefits for the people of the two cities.